Facts About Normal Vs C-Section Delivery That All Women Must Know

Facts About Normal Vs C-Section Delivery That All Women Must Know
The coming to this world is a real miracle. This process can be performed in two ways – either by regular delivery or a C-section, but the ultimate goal is to safely give birth to a healthy baby.

In some cases, C-sections are planned because of medical reasons that make a vaginal birth risky. A woman may know in advance that she will need a C-section and schedule it because she is expecting twins or other multiples, or because the mother may have a medical condition, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, an infection that complicates pregnancy, such as HIV or herpes, or she may be experiencing problems with the placenta during her pregnancy.

A C-section may also be necessary in certain situations, such as delivering a very large baby in a mother with a small pelvis, or if the baby is not in a heads-down position and efforts to turn the baby before a woman gives birth have been unsuccessful.

Facts About Normal Vs C-Section Delivery That All Women Must Know

While in most cases vaginal delivery is the most natural and uncomplicated way to deliver a baby, more and more women are opting for Cesarean Sections. Today C-sections make up about 30% of all births. Since every woman can choose how they would like their delivery, it is important to understand the risks and advantages of both options. Here are the pros and cons for natural birthing and c-section deliveries.


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Vaginal Delivery Pros

For the Mother:
From a psychological standpoint, women who go through with a vaginal delivery are said to have a more positive birthing experience. Women who go through vaginal delivery sometimes feel it is empowering to know they were actively involved in the process.

Mothers who deliver through vaginal birth have a shorter recovery time than those who opt for C-sections. This method of birthing also allows the mother and baby to make skin to skin contact immediately after delivery, speeding up the bonding process.

For the Baby:
Babies born via vaginal delivery tend to have less medical complications as well. They are able to breast feed sooner, have less allergies, and have less respiratory problems.
Babies born vaginally also receive an early dose of good bacteria as they travel through their mother's birth canal, which may boost their immune systems and protect their intestinal tracts.


Vaginal Delivery Cons

For the Mother:
Vaginal delivery can be stressful as you will not be completely sure how long your delivery will take.
During a vaginal delivery, there is a risk that the skin and tissues around the vagina can stretch and tear while the fetus moves through the birth canal. If stretching and tearing is severe, a woman may need stitches or this could cause weakness or injury to pelvic muscles that control her urine and bowel function.

For the Baby:
There are not many cons for babies who are delivered through vaginal birth. A very small percentage may experience injury or brain hemorrhaging from delivery, but this is unlikely in most cases.
If a woman has had a long labor or if the baby is large and delivered vaginally, the baby may get injured during the birth process itself, such as having a bruised scalp or a fractured collarbone.


Cesarean Section Pros

For the Mother:
There are not a lot of advantages to having a C-section if a woman is eligible to have a vaginal delivery. However, if a pregnant woman knows that she will need a C-section, a surgical birth can be scheduled in advance, making it more convenient and predictable than a vaginal birth and going through a long labor.

For the Baby:
If your baby is large, also known as macrosomia, or you are having twins, a C-section may be the best option for delivery. Also, if you have certain diseases like HIV and your blood tests near the end of pregnancy indicate a high viral load, a C-section will decrease the risk of passing an infection on to your baby.


Cesarean Section Cons

For the Mother:
Since Cesarean Sections are major surgeries, you will have a longer recovery time than that of a vaginal delivery. Like any major surgery, there are risks for infections, but properly caring for your wound will lessen these risks and help ensure a healthy recovery.

Because a woman is undergoing surgery, a C-section involves an increased risk of blood loss and a greater risk of infection.

The recovery period after delivering is also longer because a woman may have more pain and discomfort in her abdomen as the skin and nerves surrounding her surgical scar need time to heal, often at least two months.

Having a C-section can delay your ability to breastfeed and you will not be able to have immediate contact with your baby.  Also, some mothers who have C-sections will not have the option of vaginal birth in the future.

For the Baby:
Some babies have respiratory problems when delivered by C-section. Some doctors claim that C-sections cause complications like problems with anesthesia or possibly nicking the baby. These risks during delivery are very low, but are factors each expectant mother should be aware of.

Overall, there are significant factors that affect the decision to choose your option, and the choice is yours to make.

Last but not the least, let us quickly see about procedures of Normal Delivery and C-Section.


Normal Delivery

Two most common methods of normal delivery are by using forceps or vacuum extraction. The decision is made by the Doctor depending upon the case. The only cons of this process is that sometimes the child may get harmed due to the application of forceps or vacuum, but cases like these are rare if the process is performed by a skilled surgeon.



This is the whole C-section procedure in nut shell.
This is the whole C-section procedure in nut shell.
via RelayHealth

Both the methods are very different from each other, and both of them have their own share of pros and cons the bottom line of the story is to ensure the safety and health of the baby.

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