Meet some out of world animals which prove that 'nature never ceases to amaze us'

There are animals that look like hybrids of other creatures, and there are animals that look like nothing else in the world.

Many of these animals are extremely rare, and just a few lucky people have seen them in the wild. Here are some animals from around the world that have very unique looks and look out of this world.

1. Emperor Tamarin

Emperor Tamarins are famous for their impressive facial hair. These cute little monkeys were given their name because their mustache looks like the one worn by the last German Emperor, Wilhelm II.

2. Goblin shark

Sometimes called a “living fossil”, the goblin shark is the only extant representative of the family Mitsukurinidae. It is usually between 10 and 13 feet (100.58m)long when mature but since it lives at depths of 330 feet and more, it does not pose any danger to humans.

3. Abyssinian ground hornbill

Abyssinian ground hornbill (also called northern grand hornbill) is an African bird found north of the equator. The male has a red throat pouch and the female has a blue throat pouch. Modified feathers form long eyelashes, which protect their eyes from dust.

4. Pangolin

The gentle, solitary pangolin has a tongue as long as its body and curls into a ball when threatened. It is also the world's most trafficked mammal, and threatened with extinction.

5. Fossa

A relative of the mongoose, the fossa is unique to the forests of Madagascar, an African island in the Indian Ocean. Growing up to 6 feet long from nose to tail tip, and weighing up to 26 pounds, the fossa is a slender-bodied catlike creature with little resemblance to its mongoose cousins.

6. Scotoplanes

Commonly known as sea pigs, these little deep sea animals live on ocean bottoms, typically at depths of over 0.6 miles (0.965 Kilometers). Scotoplanes are deposit feeders, and obtain food by extracting organic particles from deep-sea mud.

7. Ground pangonil

'This odd mammal, native to Africa, is covered with extremely hard scales. When threatened, it will usually roll up into a ball thus protecting its vulnerable belly. Capable of walking on two legs, the ground pangolin walks on its hindlegs when searching for food while using its forelegs and tail for balance.

8. Magnificent Frigatebird

The Magnificent Frigatebird is famous for its bright red, balloon-like throat pouch. This pouch is found on male frigatebirds, and they typically inflate it to get females’ attention.

9. Venezuelan Poodle Moth

The fluffy Venezuelan poodle moth was just discovered in 2009. This strange moth somehow manages to look cute and slightly terrifying at the same time.

10. Highland Cow

In the Scottish countryside, you’ll find a truly unique cow breed: the Highland Cow. These fluffy brown cows are famous for their long, pointed horns and their floppy hair. These animals have an interesting look that sets them apart from all other cow breeds.

11. Striated frogfish

This small fish, just about 8 – 9 inches (20.32 to 22.86 Centimeters) long, has the capacity to change coloration and pigment pattern. The first dorsal spine of the frogfish tips forward and is used as fishing rod. Its tip has a characteristic worm-like lure which, when waved, attracts unsuspecting prey.

12. Hispaniola Solenodon

The Hispaniola Solenodon is famous for its long, pointed snout. This snout is more flexible than it looks. It’s attached to a ball-and-socket joint, which allows the Solenodon to move their snout around and explore small crevices with it.

13. Irrawaddy dolphin

The Irrawaddy dolphin is a euryhaline species of oceanic dolphin found in discontinuous subpopulations near sea coasts and in estuaries and rivers in parts of the Bay of Bengal and Southeast Asia. An Adult can exceed 290 pounds (131kg) and can reach lengths of up to 7.5 feet (2.2860 M).

14. Red-lipped batfish

This unreal-looking little fish species can be found around the Galapagos Islands at depths of 100 feet (30.480M) or more. Batfish are not good swimmers; they use their highly-adapted pectoral fins to “walk” on the ocean floor. It eats shrimps, small fish, crabs, etc.

15. Mantis shrimp

These marine crustaceans are members of the order Stomatopoda. Mantis shrimps have powerful claws that they use to attack and kill prey by spearing, stunning, or dismemberment. When kept in captivity, some larger species are capable of breaking through aquarium glass with a single strike.

16. Glaucus Atlanticus (Blue Dragon)

You look like a first-generation Pokémon with a harder-to-pronounce name. I hate your adorable blue finger-fins.

17. Bush Viper

If you don't sound like an English grandpa who only communicates in mind-bending riddles, I want my money back. Also I want to roll you back and forth under my feet because I think it would feel good.

18. Pink fairy armadillo

This funny creature also known as pichiciego is the smallest species of armadillo – mammals of the family Dasypodidae, mostly known for having a bony armor shell. Endemic to central Argentina, these armadillos primarily feed on ants and larvae.

19. Jerboa

The jerboa forms the bulk of the membership of the family Dipodidae. Jerboas are hopping desert rodents found throughout Northern Africa and Asia east to northern China and Manchuria. They tend to live in hot deserts.

20. Dumbo Octopus

Dumbo octopuses live in the deep open ocean down to depths of at least 13,100 feet (4000 m) and perhaps much deeper, making this group the deepest living of all known octopuses.

21. Lion's mane jellyfish north-america-lions-mane-jellyfish-625x450
Also known as hair jelly, officially Cyanea capillata, it is the biggest known species of jellyfish in the world. The largest recorded specimen washed up on the shore of Massachusetts Bay in 1870 and had a bell with a diameter of 7 feet 6 inches (2.3165m) and tentacles 120 feet (36.576m) long.

22. Blue-Footed Booby

Blue-footed boobies are named after their bright blue feet. The birds’ feet are so blue because the carotenoid pigments that they get through their food are concentrated in their feet.

23. Markhor Goat

The Markhor Goat has an impressive set of horns that sets it apart from other goats. These mountainous goats’ huge spiral horns can reach over four feet in height!

24. Blobfish

The flesh of the blobfish is a gelatinous mass with a density slightly less than water. This allows the fish to float above the sea floor without expending energy on swimming.

25. Indian Purple Frog

It is endemic to the Western Ghats in India and was not noticed until recently as it remains underground most of the year except for 2-3 weeks during the monsoon when it comes out to mate.

26. Cantor's giant soft-shell turtle

This freshwater turtle can be easily identified by its smooth, olive-colored carapace. With up to 6 feet in length, the turtle spends 95% of its life buried and motionless with only its eyes and mouth protruding from the sand.

27. Desert Rain Frog

The desert rain frog (Breviceps macrops) is a endangered species of frog which resides in desert and sandy areas. It is mainly known for its unusual squeaking, behaviour and sound compared to its appearance

28. Gerenuk

The gerenuk, whose name means “giraffe-necked” in the Somali language, is an exceptionally long-necked antelope. The gerenuk's head is small for its size, but its eyes and ears are large.

29. Saiga Antelope

The saiga antelope is a critically endangered antelope that originally inhabited a vast area of the Eurasian steppe zone from the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains and Caucasus into Dzungaria and Mongolia.

30. Sunda Flying Lemur

Sunda flying lemurs live either solitary or in small groups that are loosely connected. They can be territorial as regards foraging and sleeping areas. They are mainly nocturnal.

31. Dugong

This large marine mammal is one of four living species of the order Sirenia and is the only strictly marine herbivorous mammal (manatees use fresh water to some degree). Sadly, due to extensive hunting for their meat and oils, the Dugong is close to extinction.

32. Armadillo girdled lizard

The armadillo girdled lizard is a girdled lizard endemic to desert areas along the western coast of South Africa. This lizard used to be common in the pet trade, but no longer. Wild populations are considered threatened and it is no longer legal to collect them for sale in the pet trade.

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